Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Scariest Thing That Has Ever Happened

The scariest thing that has happened recently was when my little brother broke his arm. It was so sad. Me and Chris were at my dad's house one Sunday like usual, and we were about to eat spaghetti. All of a sudden Dalton falls off the bench at the kitchen table that he was sitting at and starts screaming, "I broke my arm!" He was 6 years old at the time, and I looked down to see if he was kidding and when I looked into his eyes I knew he was serious, he looked so scared. I then saw his arm and panicked. Chris went and got my dad who was in the other room and we rushed to the hospital where they finally helped Dalton. I've never been so nervous in my life, I don't believe.

Staind and Pearl Jam

I chose to blog about these two bands because they are indeed amazing. Aaron Lewis and Eddie Vedder sing like ANGELS. They are wonderful. Most bands these days sing about dumb stuff that doesn't even make sense. These two bands are full of emotion and meaning, and they sound so good too.


I'm a very nostalgic person. I'm always thinking about the past and my memories, wishing I could go back in time and relive them. Half the time they sucked, but my experiences, good and bad, are how I got to where I am today. I remember those days all the time, they replay in my head over and over and make me smile. Sometimes I wonder if they meant as much to the people I share those memories with, but it doesn't really matter. They mean something to me no matter what.



I don't really read a lot of magazines. I usually just use them for the pictures. I like to draw them and make collages and things with the pictures. I guess I've never really tried to read the articles. I like Oprah Magazine and Cosmopolitan, but I love MAD magazine. I bought the MAD books, which are basically collections of all the MAD comics. I haven't read that much in them yet, but I like them a lot. I have one huge Vogue magazine, I especially like it because it's my main drawing magazine.