Sunday, April 10, 2011

How To Use Facebook

You may be thinking "Why would she write a blog about that??" Well, while a lot of people know how to use Facebook, a lot people don't. It's pretty basic, but can be confusing at times. I use it regularly, so I should be of good assistance. First of all, you need friends. Facebook can be pretty boring with no friends. All you do is go to the top where you see the Search Toolbar and type in whoever's name you are trying to find. When you find click on their name and you will go to their profile. Then click the option that says Add as Friend. One thing you have to know is the difference between a Wall and the Stream. If you go to your main page where you can see everyone's updates, and you see "What's on your mind?" that's where you put your status, which can say anything you want it to say. That will then appear on your wall, along with any comments you leave, photos, things that you "like," and stuff people post on your wall. You can do post things on peoples walls. Go to one of your friends' profiles and where it says "Write something..." you can write something and it will be on their wall for all to see, but it will not be on your wall. Now the difference between a stream and a wall is a stream is what everyone can see, it's NOT only on "your Facebook." What's on your wall is only on your Facebook. Each time you get a notification, which are pretty important, there will be a red box at the top left hand side of your page. Click and see each individual new update. You can post pictures on your Facebook, but they can not be nudity. You can have as many friends as you want. And you can say as much to anyone as you want, either through comments or messages. I'm still not sure what exactly it means to "Poke" someone, but you can do that too. At the bottom of your browser there should be a Chat bar, this is where you can go to see who out of your friends is online. All you have to do is click their name and an I.M. (Instant Messaging) box will pop up. The green dot means that they are online, the grey dot means that they are offline, and the moon means that they are idle- they have been away for a while. You can comment on peoples statuses, photos, and you can tag people in your own statuses and pictures. To tag someone in your status means to have their name in your status where it appears as a link and also shows up on their wall, you do this by doing @their name, and you click the person you were referrring to. To tag someone in a photo means that the photo will also be on their Facebook and it will show everyone who it is in the photo, you do this by going to the photo and clicking the option that says "Tag photo" in the next box you will type in the name and click it then click "Done tagging." If you don't like someone anymore, and want to delete them, you can go to Account which is on the upper right hand side and choose Edit Friends. Then find the person and click the X to the far right of their name and picture. You can also add videos, make pages, and "like" pages.

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