Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Scariest Thing That Has Ever Happened

The scariest thing that has happened recently was when my little brother broke his arm. It was so sad. Me and Chris were at my dad's house one Sunday like usual, and we were about to eat spaghetti. All of a sudden Dalton falls off the bench at the kitchen table that he was sitting at and starts screaming, "I broke my arm!" He was 6 years old at the time, and I looked down to see if he was kidding and when I looked into his eyes I knew he was serious, he looked so scared. I then saw his arm and panicked. Chris went and got my dad who was in the other room and we rushed to the hospital where they finally helped Dalton. I've never been so nervous in my life, I don't believe.

Staind and Pearl Jam

I chose to blog about these two bands because they are indeed amazing. Aaron Lewis and Eddie Vedder sing like ANGELS. They are wonderful. Most bands these days sing about dumb stuff that doesn't even make sense. These two bands are full of emotion and meaning, and they sound so good too.


I'm a very nostalgic person. I'm always thinking about the past and my memories, wishing I could go back in time and relive them. Half the time they sucked, but my experiences, good and bad, are how I got to where I am today. I remember those days all the time, they replay in my head over and over and make me smile. Sometimes I wonder if they meant as much to the people I share those memories with, but it doesn't really matter. They mean something to me no matter what.



I don't really read a lot of magazines. I usually just use them for the pictures. I like to draw them and make collages and things with the pictures. I guess I've never really tried to read the articles. I like Oprah Magazine and Cosmopolitan, but I love MAD magazine. I bought the MAD books, which are basically collections of all the MAD comics. I haven't read that much in them yet, but I like them a lot. I have one huge Vogue magazine, I especially like it because it's my main drawing magazine.

Contact Me On Facebook

If you ever want to contact me, ask me questions, or "be my friend" just go to http://www.facebook.com/missabbygray and in the friend request try to mention you saw my blog or something so I'll know :)


Yes, I'm going to write a blog about Bowmart. I love it, it's so great. Me and Chris always go in there and buy books, they have them 50 cents for hardback and 25 cents for paperback. Any kind of book; novels, textbooks, anything. Their other stuff is great too, odds and ends things. They have some cool stuff for very reasonable prices. Me and Chris got a set of Indian statues for $3 a piece, man they are so nice too. They have some filing cabinets and things too that I might get if they don't sell them before I can. Anyways, that's Bowmart for you. It's great.


I've tried to use a lot of different hair products. I have really long hair, and it's always so hard for me manage. Aussie really works on my hair though, better than any other product. I've tried Herbal Essences, but it just didn't do the trick. I like to use the spray gel and scrunch spray, they are amazing. I do like the Herbal Essences finishing cream though, and the Fructice leave-in conditioner.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


The world is infested with ageism. People are always putting others down just because they are young. They think they should be respected, but they disrespect everyone at the same time. You see this on television all the time. One thing I've realized about people, and this may not make sense to anyone but me, but people tend to call ANYONE who is younger than THEM "children." I don't understand it. Someone can be 60 years old, calling someone 53 a child or kid just because they are younger than them. It is so annoying.

Missing Someone

Everyone has lost someone close to them at one point or another in their life. It's a hard thing to go through. I lost a really close friend almost 4 years ago. He was someone special, as are all of my friends. Then one day he was just gone. In the blink of an eye, he was taken away. People can be so cruel. No one knows how to help anyone, no one knows how to get over themselves. Nobody truly knows how to save a life. People I know are probably tired of hearing about this particular event, but it's something that I think about everyday. Someone I miss everyday of my life. Someone I will have to wait to hug again until the day that I die. It's a terrible feeling that won't go away.

Thoughts You Can't Express

Sometimes there are things in life that you can't do anything about. You just have to live with it. I always have this feeling, and I don't know what it really is. It's not happy, sad, or angry. It's just there. Deep in my mind this feeling that won't go away. What do you say when you don't know what you're even feeling? What do you do? Breathe. Just breathe.

My Children Will Do it Differently

There are a number of things that I can only hope my children will do differently. I hope they think, act, and talk differently from people these days. All you hear is vulgar words and nasty language. I will raise them better than that. They will actually have respect for others around them, and respect for themselves. People these days just have absolutely no respect for themselves. They don't care what they do to their bodies, as long as it's "cool" or makes them feel "good." They don't think it matters, but it matters in the long run. Your body is something that you should cherish. It's obviously your main source of life, I don't know how other to put it. My children will not go around committing crimes. I don't know what the future will hold, everyone comes out differently with their own personalities. But I know my children will be raised with the best of intentions for themselves and their futures.

Somebody Has to Say It

The world does not revolve around you. People go around thinking that something is good only if they approve. If they don't then it's no good, throw it out, get rid of it. Like only their opinion matters. I'm sorry to say it, but that's really not the case. Your opinions are equal to everyone else's, and nobody is going to drop everything they are doing just because you don't like it. Nobody is going to stop being with someone in a relationship or being friends with someone just because you don't approve. That's just the way it works. Let people live their lives to their best interests. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Don't try to have control over everything someone does, worry about your own life. Nobody is attached to puppet strings for you to control them. People have their own brains. People aren't toys that you can make do what you want them to do.

Should My Town Use Social Media?

My town really isn't big enough to use any kind of media. Dewy Rose doesn't even have a store, all it has is a post office. I guess media would help, if you could find something to advertise. There are plenty of lakes and fishing spots around, but other than that, I don't know what you would want to come here for. But I love my little town :)

Ways I Embrace My Audience

I've been looking at a list of things to blog about, this is only my second one I've posted that I've used suggestions for. How do I personally embrace my audience? I think honesty is important when you are talking to anyone. Being truthful and open about my opinions are how I embrace my audience, I guess. You should never expect me to lie about anything, because it won't happen. There's no reason for lies. I'm not very "formal" in the way that I write these blogs. They are a way that I can share my feelings and thoughts, even if no one is listening.

How To Use Facebook

You may be thinking "Why would she write a blog about that??" Well, while a lot of people know how to use Facebook, a lot people don't. It's pretty basic, but can be confusing at times. I use it regularly, so I should be of good assistance. First of all, you need friends. Facebook can be pretty boring with no friends. All you do is go to the top where you see the Search Toolbar and type in whoever's name you are trying to find. When you find click on their name and you will go to their profile. Then click the option that says Add as Friend. One thing you have to know is the difference between a Wall and the Stream. If you go to your main page where you can see everyone's updates, and you see "What's on your mind?" that's where you put your status, which can say anything you want it to say. That will then appear on your wall, along with any comments you leave, photos, things that you "like," and stuff people post on your wall. You can do post things on peoples walls. Go to one of your friends' profiles and where it says "Write something..." you can write something and it will be on their wall for all to see, but it will not be on your wall. Now the difference between a stream and a wall is a stream is what everyone can see, it's NOT only on "your Facebook." What's on your wall is only on your Facebook. Each time you get a notification, which are pretty important, there will be a red box at the top left hand side of your page. Click and see each individual new update. You can post pictures on your Facebook, but they can not be nudity. You can have as many friends as you want. And you can say as much to anyone as you want, either through comments or messages. I'm still not sure what exactly it means to "Poke" someone, but you can do that too. At the bottom of your browser there should be a Chat bar, this is where you can go to see who out of your friends is online. All you have to do is click their name and an I.M. (Instant Messaging) box will pop up. The green dot means that they are online, the grey dot means that they are offline, and the moon means that they are idle- they have been away for a while. You can comment on peoples statuses, photos, and you can tag people in your own statuses and pictures. To tag someone in your status means to have their name in your status where it appears as a link and also shows up on their wall, you do this by doing @their name, and you click the person you were referrring to. To tag someone in a photo means that the photo will also be on their Facebook and it will show everyone who it is in the photo, you do this by going to the photo and clicking the option that says "Tag photo" in the next box you will type in the name and click it then click "Done tagging." If you don't like someone anymore, and want to delete them, you can go to Account which is on the upper right hand side and choose Edit Friends. Then find the person and click the X to the far right of their name and picture. You can also add videos, make pages, and "like" pages.

Space Elevator

You knew I had to do it. This is something that I feel very strongly about, so yes, of course I'm going to write about it in my blog. The space elevator is an elevator that they are planning on making. I've known about this for a long time now, and I'm still not sure if it's serious or if it's a joke. The Space Elevator is literally an elevator that goes into space. They are planning on making it in Japan. Actually, I don't know if it's even possible, God help and bless the people in Japan from this current disaster. It's supposed to go all the way into space and people would have to pay like $10,000 to go in it. It's probably not real, but it's something to ramble about. This is a MISTAKE if it is in fact real. Have you ever heard of METEORITES? I mean, come on! Meteorites don't care what's in the way, if they are falling or shooting or whatever, they will hit whatever is in the way. They hit Earth all the time, for example. I'm just saying, if there's a long metal object reaching all the way into space, it's bound to hit the sun, the moon, another planet... If something hits this elevator it will come crashing down to the earth. Right? I don't know. I don't think they thought it through very well.

The Bible

I will admit that before I took a bible class, I did not know how the bible worked. I now understand it, and it  is so interesting. I am not as far in it (Exodus) at the moment as I wish I was, but I'm getting along slowly. I highly recommend actually reading it. Don't just go by the popular stories or church sermons, you should actually read the whole thing. A tip: for beginners, you should get a study bible. There are many versions of the bible, but my favorite is the NIV- New International Version. It's easy for me to read and I can understand it well.

Choosing the Right School

You should always take choosing the college you want to go to seriously. I made the mistake of choosing the easy way out when I finished high school. I was left going to classes that I didn't even care about and doing assignments that I knew nothing about. Getting grades that I didn't want and having a future full of work that I wasn't really interested in wasn't fun. I dreaded doing the kind of job I was going to school to have. I originally when to a technical college to be a nurse. I was selfish in my reasons for choosing to go there and my studies that I wanted to go for. I thought that it would be good money and I would "get used to" being a nurse. It was an outlook that I wasn't sure about, I was scared to death about it. How can you have a dream about something that you're so unsure about?
I attended that college for about a year and then had to take the NLN-PN test. I did not study like I should have, because I was just plain unmotivated to succeed. I knew the chances of me getting "picked" to go further in the program were [very] slim, but I just didn't have the passion or will-power to do what I had to do to do good on the test. I guess I just didn't take it seriously. Well, I ended up doing horrible on the test and getting a letter telling me "options." In a rage of anger and tears I picked up the phone and called to talk to someone about this letter, and I was informed that I could "wait another year" or "choose another program." When you think you have your life figured out to the tee and everything is going like you thought it should be going, the last thing you want to do is choose another program.  I felt like giving up, I really did, but I knew better. I sat down and thought about my options. I actually thought about what it was that I was really interested in and I could picture myself doing. So, I applied to Emmanuel College for my Psychology major and I know that's what I want to do. I love going to school  there. I love the thought of finishing all my schooling and then becoming a Clinical Psychologist. Nothing would make me happier, and this I'm sure of. I will admit that it was a great experience though, going to that school first was practice for college life. It was a starting point, in my opinion, for the better things to come.
What I'm really getting at here is take the time to choose what you want to do. Don't make an emotional-breakdown be the turning point- the part where you actually wake up and figure out you were wrong all along. I learned from my mistakes and that's good, but if anyone can learn anything from me I hope this is it. Don't go in it for the money, don't waste your time.